Blogger-Beta - Is It Better
How many bloggers reading this have actually changed over to the "new" blogger-beta ? Do you think it is "better". The word is that there is a lot more to come, because "beta" is just another word for trial. Once we (those that have made the change) have got used to the changes, whats to say, Goggle won't change it again. As for those that haven't changed over as yet, your time will come.
Feel free to leave any comments about Blogger-Beta - good or bad. It is thru reading what other bloggers have to say, that we will all get over the bumps.
Comments On Beta - This is proving to be a pain in the bum (there are no other words to describe it) to a few people. When you want to leave a comment have a look first at the comment sign in. Because I have found that once I have typed up a comment and go to sign in, you lose your comment. So it pays to sign in first if you haven't already sign in to the comment section.
The "Old" seems to be functioning as normal.
Anyone got anything to add, leave a comment.
Photos - If you find that you have "a white box with a red X", still publish as per normal. You will find that when you "view blog", after you have published the photo will be there 9 times out of 10. As for the 10th time.........well, who knows ???
Posts - You can "date" the post for time to come, but you cannot go backwards.
Example - Today, I am doing this post - I can put tomorrow's date on it and publish it and it will publish okay. If I put yesterday's date, it would publish it okay, but the date would automaticly reverted to todays date. So, once a day has gone, it's gone - you can't go backwards !!!
Blogspot/Blogger-Beta blog
I don't know what is happening out there, but every now & again, when I click on to next blog, naturally you blog, but it isn't happening. What's happening is that "Google's" search the web page is popping up. Also depending on whether the blog is old or new, the "next blog" button can be to the far right or in the middle of the screen. With the old, I have got so used to just sitting with the mouse arrow on the next button at the top right while looking at the screen and then.........clicking. Most of the time it moves on to the next blog, but sometimes the blog is "new" which has the "sign in" button in that top right corner position. It kind of slows me down, when all I want to do is move on..........especially when a "porn" blog has popped up. If you don't search the blog world very much you may not have encountered "porn blogs", but with me searching sometimes for 2 - 3 hours at a time, believe me there are blogs out there that.
One day, this asian lady got up from the computer she was using and stood not far from where I was sitting at my computer, while she waited for her friend to finish. I happened to glance up at her, while I was clicking the next blog button and she glanced in my direction & smiled but when I glanced back at my screen, there for all the world to see, was what could only be described as "PORN" !!! I couldn't hit the next button fast enough and the photos seemed to linger there until they faded away and the next blog popped up.
If you have ever been into an internet cafe, you will know how much space each & every computer has got - "not much" !!! There are the exception of a couple of cafes, where you get table space to spread out all your bits, rather than just "cube" space.
I'll be back...............