Saturday, September 30, 2006

Krazy Kelvin - Blogger Is Beta ???


Someone asked why do I have so many blogs ? My stock answer to that is why not - I'm a writer ; a "krazy monkey"; I love blogs; I love sharing with friends - not in any particular order of course.

I have seen and you will too, if you watch the bottom left of your monitor, blogs with 100, 200 items or more items to download which to me is bloody stupid. I am a "busy monkey" !!! Even though the cafes where I go have broadband, I don't have time to sit around with my finger up my b...........banana, while I am waiting for all the items to download, just to have a look to see if it's a good blog or not. the people I feel sorry for are those that are still on dial-up. So, hint hint - watch the bottom left of your computer monitor for the "number of items". If it says 100 or more, you can easily bail out, by clicking the back button. Given time, I will create a separate list of blogs with 100 or more items and so if you have all the time in the world, you can sit there waiting for them to download, have a look at them and then let me know if you think they are worth 5 stars or no stars.

Well - Blogger-Beta. I don't think it has made me a better blog, yet !!! But given time, once I learn all the ins and outs and how to find my way around, who knows ? I'll change a few things around so you will start to see some improvements in the layouts, even a few colours, although there have been a couple of complaints from friends unable to read the "coloured posts". Just a suggestion, Granny Smith - it would help if you actually moved your glasses down from where they sit on the top of your head, so they sit on your nose, then you will be able to see out of them !!! (Hehe) You have to look after the older people, because given time they will be 6 feet under pushing up daisies and the old people now, will become the older people that need looking after.

I am currently working on another chapter to My Book !!! which will be about Blogger-Beta. If you have a Blogger-Beta blog, your thoughts & comments on what you think of blogger-beta would be appreciated. I will pick some of them and include them in the book, as well as a link to your blog.

Sunday, September 24, 2006

Krazy Kelvin - All My Old Blogs Changed Over

Kia Ora (Hello), you can see, all my old blogspot/blogger blogs have finally made the change over to "Blogger-Beta" !!! If it is going to make me a better blogger or not, only time will tell.

There was me waiting & waiting !!!

Re-capping from my last post..........

I have what I refer to as orphan blogs out there in the blogging world, which stand alone from my group of blogs.I had a look at one of them today - after I had signed in using my blogger account, there on the Dashboard on the right hand side, under where it has "Edit My Profile" was a new "blue box" with the following words.........."New blogger in Beta. Better blogging with new features. Click on to learn more". You click that on and it takes you thru the stages to change your blog/s over to Beta. Once you are done, a message comes up saying that your blog is in the process of been changed over and they will email you, when it is done.

But............I couldn't understand what the hold-up was with my "group of blogs". I blame the little man in my head - I am going to have to sack him, as it's all his fault !!! Does anyone want a "little man" - he's free to a good home !!! (hehe) Hey, maybe we could do a swap !!!

I had read something, somewhere but it just didn't click or ring any bells in my head - the little man must of been fast asleep. It was all so simple - the problem was the other blogger's who were members of my blogs and who were linked to my blogs as well as those blogs who I was a member of. So, no sooner had I cut the links............there it was - the little blue box, as mentioned above. I followed the directions and within 2 minutes of changing over and checking emails, it was done & dusty - all my old blogspot/blogger blogs had been changed over.

All that remained for me to do was to change the templates, which is just a matter of clicking on "template" and following the directions. Yes, I can sometimes follow directions and I do have a brain. I will rephrase that - 1/2 a brain !!! I have changed over a few of the old blogs templates, with a few still to do. There isn't much difference for someone on the outside, looking in but when you are on the inside of your blog working away, blogging your little heart out, there is a visible difference.

Don't whatever you do, start a new Blogger-Beta blog and then try and move everything from your old Blogspot / Blogger blog over to your new blog by yourself. It doesn't work like that.
It's a huge job for Blogspot/Blogger, with nearly 30 million blogs, so it's only understandable that they are moving only a few thousand at a time and letting them settle in before moving more across. There is still a few little rough spots to iron out, but they are working on those.

Anyone, anywhere (even if your question is in broken english) is welcome to email me if they have any questions about blogspot/blogger or Blogger-Beta.
I'll post your question/s here and give you my answer, if I can. I will take "comment moderation" off and leave it open so anyone can leave a comment if they have any ideas or suggestions in answer to the question.

So come on, lets help each other get over the rough spots and make Blogger-Beta, the best blogger outfit that there is - second to none !!! (I aren't getting paid to say or do all this)

If you have just one "fun" blog look at starting another blog on a more serious note for your family and the generations of your family, yet to come. Think of the enjoyment your grandchildren and..........(dare I say it) great grandchildren would get to look back at not only the lifestyle you had, but also look at your "photos" !!!

KAMA - Krazy Kelvin - I'll be back...............

PS: I have to laugh !!! Blogger-Beta must of had a look at my "monkey photo" and rated my age in "monkey years" because some how or other instead of been on the right side of 100 I have gone way past that and in terms of human years, I would have to be the oldest human blogger at "250" !!! Honestly - they put it there, not me, so I aren't about to change it.
So just be careful if you have put an "age" but you look old(er) in your photo, you may end up joining me in the "oldies club" !!! (hehe)

Sunday, September 10, 2006

Changing To Blogger-Beta

Kia Ora (Hello), There seems to some confusion out there in the blogging world about Blogger-Beta !!! Is it better ? Is it everything that people say it is cracked up to be or is it a dead duck - for the want of better words. To my way of thinking, you have to have to give it a chance just as you give life a chance. I wouldn't throw it on the scrape heap and abandon ship, just yet as some people are doing and moving to other blog homes.

Krazy Kelvin

What's that saying - it's better the devil you know, than the one you don't know. Stick with it because Blogger-Beta going places, where no man or woman has been before. They have a great bunch of people behind "Google" or they would not of got where they have got today.
Google brought out Blogger in 2003 from the man who started it all - the one I have mentioned on several of my blogs as the Number Blogspot / Blogger in the world. If you click on and have a look, his profile number is # 1 - he is still with Blogger today. If he had abandoned "ship", believe me - I would of been the same liferaft as him.

Here's me who started my first ever blog on Black Friday 13th May 2005, at # 9098295 !!! Have a look at your own profile number and see what it is.

I thought about starting my own website and even been offered "folding stuff" to move on elsewhere but......I like Blogger - it's easy, it's simple, especially for someone like me, who honestly didn't know anything about computers - and still don't. Computers & I are like oil & water - we don't mix. I don't know how I have got this far. I didn't know anything about copy & paste, or anything about downloading photos, etc. I have only learnt all that in the past few weeks. When I first started I asked "friends" to help, but because they couldn't see any cents/sense in a blog or dollars, they all said no !!! So I plodded on and after all this time, those friends who I first asked, who said they weren't reading my blogs, have seen the light & the dollar signs, but tough titties........!!! Given time, I want to make this blogging thing pay for itself by selling stuff on line. I sort of have an idea what to sell, but I have plenty of time. One thing for certainly is that even though I maybe a little krazy (aren't we all - just a little ???) I aren't silly. There is no way in the world that I would rip people off by taking their money and not supplying what I say I will.

If you have a look in the archives of my first ever blog, it is just words, words and more words. I didn't own a computer then and I still don't own a computer. I pay $1 - $2 per hour at internet cafes. I have become such a regular at one cafe, that the owner has given me the password to enter as it has to be entered after each hour. Most people only stay an hour or two at the most. I usually stay about 4 - 5 hours. Sometimes I do an overnight which is $10 from 11pm to 8am. I used to do 24 hours which is $30, but I have stopped that now, prefering to do either overnight or 4 - 5 hours.

I know they need to pull finger as far as customer service goes, but they know that and they are working on it. Look at it from another point of view - what are you paying to have a blog ? A big fat zero !!! If you were paying so much per month or per year per blog, I would say that then you would have something to complain about. I don't know why they don't charge say, a $ or a couple of $'s per week per blog, as it must be costing them millions. Maybe given time, they will start charging - who knows. Or maybe they will take over all the Adsense and put it on everyone's blog whether the blogger likes it or not.

Don't whatever you do, start a new Blogger-beta blog and then try and move everything from your old Blogspot / Blogger blog over to your new blog by yourself. It's a huge job with nearly 30 million blogs, so it's only understandable that they are moving only a few thousand at a time and letting them settle in before moving more across.

I have what I refer to as orphan blogs out there in the blogging world, which stand alone from my group of blogs.
I had a look at one of them today - after I had signed in using my blogger account, there on the Dashboard on the right hand side, under where it has "Edit My Profile" was a new "blue box" with the following words.........."New blogger in Beta. Better blogging with new features. Click on to learn more". You click that on and it takes you thru the stages to change your blog/s over to Beta. Once you are done, a message comes up saying that your blog is in the process of been changed over and they will email you, when it is done.

I still have a couple of orphan blogs out there, that have yet to be changed over, plus my "group of blogs". So hold on to your horses - just because you are starting to see "new blogger-beta blogs" out there and a link to starting a new blog, doesn't mean to say that you have to start your new blog straight away.

I have also seen a couple of blogs, where the blogger has said that they haven't been able to copy & paste on to their Blogger-Beta. They would have to be doing something wrong, because everything I have put on to my 4 Beta blogs this morning has been copied & pasted. I typed it all up yesterday and saved it on to a USB thing (what-ever you call it) - my first. I came into the internet - plugged it in and the rest is, as they say...........history.

I'll be back...........

Confussion Reigns !!!

Kia Ora (Hello) On Sunday, I will add aother "post" to this blog about my thoughts on Blogger-Beta !!!